Why Bahrain

Bahrain is a location of choice in the heart of the middle east
> One of the highest qualities of life in the Middle East
> The most educated and skilled workforce in the Gulf
> Its position at the heart of the Gulf that makes access to every market in the Middle East quick and efficient – by road, air and sea.
> World Class infrastructure
> Access to a regional market of 1.5 billion people, Arab countries of 300 million and GCC market of 40 million
> The region’s most liberal business environment:
- Zero taxation for private companies,
- Few indirect taxes for private enterprises and individuals,
- 100% repatriation of capital and dividends.
- 100% foreign ownership of business assets and real estate in most sectors.
- Tradable currency pegged to the USD
- Free trade agreement with GCC matkets
- A fully liberalised telecommunications sector
- Bahrain is ranked the 12th most open economy worldwide by the Heritage Foundation and Wall Street Journal’s 2013 Index of Economic Freedom
> Basic costs such as rents for offices and industrial land are lower than elsewhere in the region.
> The most flexible visa policies in the region, providing easier and quicker access for businesses with operations in Bahrain.
> A 2,500,000 m2 business park as a location with very advanced facilities, offering a tax free superb location within minutes of The Bahrain International Airport and the Khalifa Bin Salman Port
Related Link: Why Invest in Bahrain - Source: EDB Bahrain